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The priority is on comfort - an interview with Nina Rosenthal from Dorel Juvenile

26 Feb 2020

Maxi-Cosi Coral portable softcarrier

Parents can carry their child in the soft carrier simply and ergonomically - © Maxi-Cosi

The Innovation Award has been a fixed part of the Kind + Jugend programme for years and is in the meantime recognised as an important quality criterion by the international trade. A company that regularly takes part at the trade fair and which has already frequently won one of the coveted awards: Dorel Juvenile. We spoke with Nina Rosenthal, Marketing Director Global & EMEA, about the Maxi-Cosi Coral and the trends in the child seat and pram segment.

Your company has decades of experience in the car seat and pram segment. How did this knowledge help you develop the Maxi-Cosi Coral? What else inspired you?

Parents and their everyday routine inspired us. We carried out a market survey in order to find out how and where parents use their child seat. Because it is not only used in the car, but also outside of the car on a daily basis: for example when one goes to the doctors, at the nursery or when visiting people. Most baby seats are developed to ensure safety in the car – they are not ideal for transporting the child outside of the car, because an average seat weighs around 5 kg without the baby. The bigger the baby gets, the heavier it is to carry. The Coral addresses precisely this problem: We have reduced the carrying weight of a baby seat by over 50% so that parents can master their everyday lives more easily.

You were also able to win the Innovation Award in the category "World of Travelling Kids" with the Maxi-Cosi Coral. What does this distinction mean to you and your company? Why, in your eyes, is worthwhile taking part at Kind + Jugend and in this award?

We invest in new innovations that make the lives of young families safer and simpler. This award is a fantastic recognition of our services.

Maxi-Cosi Coral car seat

The soft carrier can be easily reintegrated into the car seat - © Maxi-Cosi

Explain the principle of the Coral to us. What functions can the Soft Carrier be used for?

Our baby seat, the Maxi-Cosi Coral, reduces the carrying weight by 50%. The seat has two functions: the hard shell, which remains in the car, and the soft carrier, which can simply be extracted. This guarantees car safety. Beyond this, however, parents can also carry their child in the soft carrier simply and ergonomically – weighing just 1.7 kg the detachable carrier weighs half the amount of an average baby seat. We know that parents use their baby seat outside of the car on a daily basis. The Maxi-Cosi Coral was designed for precisely this purpose.

What are your plans for 2020? Do you have any new ideas in the pipeline?

We have many new innovations in the pipeline, especially in connection with smart technology - for example our eSafety seat cushion for car child seats, which was launched onto the market at the end of last year. The intelligent seat cushion is equipped with a chip that is connected to an app. This app informs the parents should they happen to forget their child in the car. All of our technologies, products and services are destined to make the lives of families simpler, safer and more comfortable.

How do you assess the developments in the pram and car child seat segment in general? Which trends await us this year?

The big trends on the market primarily revolve around the theme Smart Mobility, but innovations involving convenience and comfort also play a role at present.