Cologne: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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This is how Kind + Jugend is saving resources

Sustainability at the trade fair

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Koelnmesse, the third-largest trade fair in Germany and one of the top ten worldwide, has set itself the ambitious goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2030. Find out here which actions are planned to conserve resources and which have already been implemented. Read on and find out what role sustainability will play at the Kind + Jugend trade fair from September 3rd to 5th, 2024.

Four people standing in the Messeboulevard and talking. (Image: Koelnmesse, Messeboulevard, Ralph Richter)

Koelnmesse aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 and is initiating the first measures to realize this in 2024. (Image: Koelnmesse, Messeboulevard, Ralph Richter)

Koelnmesse: Organizer with role model function

Not far from the banks of the Rhine and the famous Hohenzollern Bridge, the modern halls of Koelnmesse stand out from the streets of Cologne in North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition to Kind + Jugend , Koelnmesse organizes around 80 other trade fairs, exhibitions, guest events and corporate events here in the city and in the most important markets worldwide every year, making it one of the largest trade fair venues in the world. Awarded with “Company of the Year” by DEUTSCHLAND TEST and FOCUS MONEY in 2024 Koelnmesse is among the top ten largest trade fair locations worldwide and serves as a role model for other companies.

Koelnmesse recently presented its sustainability strategy in this context. The goals are ambitious: The company wants to be climate neutral by 2030. The first effective actions to achieve this goal have already been implemented. Just a few days ago, Cologne's largest inner-city photovoltaic system was put into operation - the modules on Hall 11 are eqivalent to the size of two soccer fields and will cover the trade fair's basic electricity requirements during the summer months. In doing so, they can save up to 1,200 tons of CO2 annually. “Large-scale projects such as Koelnmesse's photovoltaic system make an important contribution to the City of Cologne's ambitious goal of being CO2-neutral by 2035. Moreover, Koelnmesse is also acting as a role model for other companies to position themselves sustainably”, says Cologne's Mayor Henriette Reker.

Projects that have already been successfully implemented include the dynamic logistics management system eSlot: the traffic guidance system is the largest of its kind in the world and aims to reduce vehicle emissions by avoiding traffic jams. Other components of the sustainability strategy include the complete switch to green electricity and the gradual conversion to energy-saving LED lighting in the exhibition halls, which is currently in progress. The replacement of the ventilation systems will enable further energy savings of over 50 percent.

By 2028 - in cooperation with its energy partners E.ON and Rheinenergie - the heating supply for the Cologne exhibition grounds will also be completely converted to climate-friendly technologies, with potential savings of 5,800 tons of CO2 per year. “Together, we will create a future in which sustainability and entrepreneurial success can go hand in hand”, stated Gerald Böse, President and Chief Executive Officer at Koelnmesse GmbH, at the sustainability strategy presentation in February 2024.

Kind + Jugend: Innovation and sustainability in our industry

Two sides of the same coin: when it comes to sustainability, innovation is key. And while Koelnmesse and the Kind + Jugend trade fair are working hard to achieve climate neutrality, the focus from September 3rd to 5th, 2024 will also be on what the big players and newcomers in our industry have already achieved in terms of sustainability and are striving to achieve further.

The topic is highly relevant for parents - after all, it's their children they want to build a future in an intact environment for. Since 2022, the “World of Sustainability for Kids” category has therefore enriched the Innovation Award to recognize the most innovative ideas for greater sustainability. “As the organizer of the leading trade fair for baby and toddler equipment, we see it as our task to reflect current trends - but also to raise the industry's awareness of necessary developments for future sustainability. We clearly see the topic of sustainability as a central element,” explains Jörg Schmale.

At Trend Forum , renowned speakers will present the latest news on the key topic of sustainability in various talks; top-class panels will invite participants to exchange ideas and engage in discussions.

Charity for Diakonie - and the environment

New to this year's trade fair is the commitment to a social cause. In cooperation with Diakonie Michaelshoven, the Kind + Jugend trade fair is organizing a fundraising campaign. The idea: at the end of the trade fair’s last day, exhibiting companies can donate their products to charity. This doesn’t only help the beneficiaries, but also the environment - as it saves on transportation and storage capacities.