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AI nanny, you're in charge!

Where artificial intelligence is used today

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Artificial intelligence has long since conquered the baby and toddler sector. Smart sleeping aids, intelligent toy robots and helpful parent apps are just a few examples of how AI can make everyday life easier and support children's development. In this article, we take a look at current applications and exciting future developments that will delight parents and children alike.

Child with robot sitting on the floor.

Artificial intelligence in the nursery: are robots that look after children the future? (Image: © EvgeniyShkolenko, iStock)

AI-nanny, you're in charge! Where artificial intelligence is used today

Artificial intelligence is permeating more and more areas of our everyday lives and has also found its way into the baby and toddler sector. Parents can choose from many smart solutions that make their everyday lives easier, increase their babies' safety and promote their development. In this article, we take a look at the baby and toddler areas in which AI is already being used and the exciting developments that may await us in the future.

Simple technology, great help: smart sleeping aids

When parents know that their baby is sleeping safely and well, they can relax better themselves. Sleep is essential for parents' nerves but also ensures the optimal development of babies. Products such as intelligent cradles, sleep trackers and smart baby monitors offer innovative support options for the turbulent everyday life of parents. Sleep trackers monitor the child's sleep and, thanks to artificial intelligence, can analyse sleep patterns and give parents feedback and recommendations to improve the quality of their baby's sleep. The latest AI baby monitors can not only transmit sounds or images, but also recognise when the baby is crying and then automatically play a pre-recorded message or a soothing melody. The devices can even monitor the presence or absence of a person in the room and alert parents if the child moves out of the camera's field of vision. Even the baby cradle has been revolutionised. Smart cradles can now generate gentle movements and sounds to rock the baby to sleep. The only question is when gadgets like these will find their way into the bedrooms of tired parents.

Revolution in the nursery: intelligent robots as playmates 40

Artificial intelligence has also produced some interesting innovations in the toy sector. No wonder, kids love it when their toys react to them and seem to be alive. Developments have been made in the field of intelligent robots, for example. These can react to being touched and show different emotions. They are equipped with functions such as gesture control, emotion recognition, role play, a dance mode and can make games fun and educational on their own. Robots like these can even recognise faces and names and continue to develop the more time you spend with them.

Parent support 2.0: Apps with AI support

Everyday life with a baby can be chaotic and overwhelming - from first visits to the doctor, to playgroups and visits to grandma and grandpa. This is exactly where AI-supported parenting apps come in, offering comprehensive support in everyday life. The apps are able to record eating habits, give health advice and track the child's development. From push-up notifications about when the nappy needs to be changed and breastfeeding times to sleep schedules and milestones - apps like these can help parents keep track of things and better understand their baby's needs.

Future developments

The future of AI in the baby and toddler sector promises exciting and constant developments. Advanced health monitoring, adaptive learning systems and smart household appliances can offer the opportunity to relieve parents even more and improve the care of their children.

At this year's Kind + Jugend trade fair , you can have a look at some of the AI products and get an impression of the smart and future-orientated solutions the baby and toddler industry has to offer.

We are very excited and expect further interesting product developments in the coming years, such as AI companions that offer increasing interactive and emotional support, as well as virtual and augmented realities that promote children's creativity and learning. For the sensitive baby and toddler equipment industry, it is essential that the focus is always on ethical considerations and data protection to ensure the privacy and safety of the youngest members of the family.