Cologne: 09.–11.09.2025 #kindundjugend

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Woller heatpillow | Exhibitor on the Kind + Jugend 2024

Woller heatpillow

KIPKEP WOLLER: the heating pillow that relieves colic
Almost every baby suffers from it: Intestinal cramps. That's why we developed the KipKep Woller. Because there is nothing more annoying than when your child sleeps badly, cries a lot or is very restless. As a parent, you want your child to feel comfortable. And let's be honest: you don't want any more sleepless nights either!
The Woller offers peace and relaxation. (CE - MED)
To support you and your baby, there is the KipKep Woller, a pillow in a special shape filled with flaxseed. The Woller is easy to warm up and is quickly ready for use. The shape distributes the weight evenly over the abdomen and warms it where it is needed. The warmth and pressure of the cushion ensure that there is less pain.
Relief from abdominal cramps
Using the Woller relieves abdominal cramps and allows your child to relax better. The Woller is CE-certified (medical class I) and is also used and recommended by hospitals and maternity centres.
Research shows that the Woller is used on average 10.8 times a week. And that's not surprising, because the Woller not only relieves stomach cramps, but can also be used in many other ways, such as
- Pre-warming the cot
- Keeping warm in the pram or footmuff
- Keeping a towel warm while bathing
- Nice on your pregnant body, for ligament or LBP: lower back pain
- As a warm compress at the start of breastfeeding
- As a cold compress for engorgement (breastfeeding) or to cool down on hot days
- Great for women to use during their monthly period
Balsemienstraat 4
Hall 10.1 | D050